The Podcast That Challenged The World
Our vision: A nerd podcast without nerd rage. Mostly. Small conversations where big nerds share fun hobbies while walking the paths less traveled in nerd culture. Most episodes contain 2-3 segments each ranging in topics including film, television, books, comics, games, trivia, and more. Explicit language. New episodes on Tuesdays.
64 episodes
Bad Movies with Great Ideas / Most Shocking Scenes (S03E20)
In our season (and probably series) finale we take a look at how even bad movies can sometimes have really cool ideas. We also talk about the scenes from movies that shocked us the most.TIME CODES00:50 - Bad Movies with Great Ideas<...
Season 3
Episode 20

Heroes We Hate / Best Deleted Scenes (S03E19)
A few episodes ago we talked about the villains that we sympathize with. Today we'll reverse it, and discuss the hero characters that we can't stand. Also: we go through some the best deleted scenes from movies.TIME CODES00:50 - Her...
Season 3
Episode 19

Best Action Movies of the Last Decade / What We've Been Watching (S03E18)
From The Raid to Fury Road, Let's breakdown the best action films from the last decade. We also talk what we've been watching recently including The Queens Gambit, Phantom Menace, Lethal Weapon, Golgo 13, and more.TIME CODES00:50 - ...
Season 3
Episode 18

Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster (1964) / Dumbest Stuff We've Bought to Complete a Collection [S03E17]
If you're a nerd you probably collect stuff. If you collect stuff you've probably sought out something stupid just to complete your collection. Tommy, Skippy, and Jay touch on the fifth film in the Godzilla series 'Ghidorah, the three headed mo...
Season 3
Episode 17

What Comics We've Been Reading / Favorite Emotional Scenes [S03E16]
We get into the comics we've read recently, including Superman For Tomorrow, Batman: the cult, Three Jokers, weird 70's Marvel stuff, and more. We also talk about the scenes from popcorn movies that get us in the feels.TIME CODES00:...
Season 3
Episode 16

Day of the Dead (1985) / Good Late Sequels [S03E15]
Tommy and Skippy discuss the underrated Romero dystopian zombie thriller 'Day of the Dead' from 1985. We also talk about good sequels that came late in a franchise's history.TIME CODES00:50 - Good Late Sequels26:39 - Movie Discu...
Season 3
Episode 15

Non-MARVEL/DC Comic Book Movies / What We've Been Watching [S03E14]
We discuss our favorite comic book adaptations that aren't sourced from the MARVEL or DC universes. ALSO: What we've been watching recently.TIME CODES00:50 - What We've Been Watching25:15 - Favorite Comic Book Adaptations That A...
Season 3
Episode 14

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) / Actors We've Changed Our Minds About [S03E13]
Have you ever hated an actor? Have you ever later realized that said actor was actually really great. We get into it. Also: Tommy and Skippy talk about a Batman cartoon for a while.TIME CODES00:50 - Once Disliked Actors That We Now ...
Season 3
Episode 13

Villains You Sympathize With / What Games We've Been Playing / Trivia Game [S03E12]
We talk about the movie villains that we actually sympathize with, the video games we've played most recently, and play a trivia game with fictional character names.TIME CODES00:50 - What Games We've Been Playing26:13 - Trivia G...
Season 3
Episode 12

Jason and the Argonauts (1963) [S03E11]
Tommy and Skippy discuss Ray Harryhausen's mythological fantasy classic 'Jason and the Argonauts' from 1963.TIME CODES00:50 - Movie Discussion: Jason and the Argonauts Email: podcastthatchallengedtheworld@gmail.com<...
Season 3
Episode 11

How We Got Into Wrestling / Most Exciting Movie Montages [S03E10]
We talk about what got us into wrestling as kids including the Monday Night Wars, the Superstars era, and countless classic 90's matches. We also gear up and get pumped in our discussion of the most exciting training montages from our favorite ...
Season 3
Episode 10

Maligned Movies That Deserve a Second Chance / What We've Been Watching [S03E09]
To misquote the Buzzcocks: Ever fallen in love with a movie you shouldn't have fallen in love with? We talk about those movies that are often disregard and generally panned that we think deserve a second chance (or at least a little less hate)....
Season 3
Episode 9

The Invisible Man (2020) / Terrifying Movie Moments That Don't Hold Up [S03E08]
Tommy and Skippy finally get around to discussing the 2020 version of The Invisible Man. We also get into scenes from movies that terrified us as kids, only to look back now and realize how silly they actually were.TIME CODES00:50 -...
Season 3
Episode 8

Favorite Non-Superhero Comics / What We've Been Watching [S03E07]
We love comics, but sometimes it's important to talk about the books outside of the common DC and Marvel superhero books. We talk Alan Moore, Dynamite comics, Brian K. Vaughn, Hellboy, and several more. We also get into what we've been watching...
Season 3
Episode 7

Deep Red (1975) / Rotten Tomatoes Trivia Game [S03E06]
Tommy and Skippy break down the legendary Giallo film Deep Red (Profondo Rosso) from 1975. Before that, we play a quick movie trivia game based off of rotten review blurbs from Rotten Tomatoes.TIME CODES00:50 - Rotten Tomatoes Trivi...
Season 3
Episode 6

The G.I. Joe Franchise / What Comics We've Been Reading [S03E05]
A bunch of men in their 30s discuss the original G.I. Joe cartoon series from the 1980s and what the overall franchise meant to them. ALSO: We discuss what comic books we've been reading recently including Marvel Star Wars, Batman, and more.
Season 3
Episode 5

Toonami / Weirdest Sequels / Mothra Vs. Godzilla (1964) [S03E04]
For a certain generation of kids the Toonami cartoon block was about as important as a block of cartoons could be. We discuss the various line-ups over the years and what the shows meant to us. We then talk weirdest sequels to follow classic mo...
Season 3
Episode 4

The Boys Seasons 1 & 2 / What We've Been Watching [S03E03]
We can do whatever we want! Including a spoiler-filled conversation on the first two seasons of The Boys. We also discuss what we've been watching recently including Mel Brooks movies, the Bill & Ted Trilogy, Legend of Korra, Cobra Kai, and...
Season 3
Episode 3

Rebooting the DC Cinematic Universe / Rashomon (1950) [S03E02]
Whether you love or hate the current run of DC movies you have to admit that the overall universe is a little bit broken. We discuss how we, given infinite hypothetical movie producing powers, would reboot the universe. ALSO: Tommy and Skippy d...
Season 3
Episode 2

Best 80's Fantasy Films / What We've Been Watching [S03E01]
The 1980's were a golden age for high fantasy movies, but which films actually stand the test of time? ALSO: we talk what we've been watching recently including Muppets, Avatars, cannibals, and more.TIME CODES01:53 - What we've been...
Season 3
Episode 1

SANTACLYSM 2020: Santa With Muscles (1996)
Skippy, Greg, and Jay review the 1996 Christmas film Santa With Muscles starring Hulk Hogan.tags: santa with muscles, hulk hogan, 1996, christmas, x-mas
Season 2
Episode 21

Best Final Film Confrontations / Henchmen Trivia Game / What We've Been Watching [S02E20]
Season Two Finale! We discuss our favorite final confrontations in movies like Fargo, Sanjuro, Gladiator, and many more. We also talk about what we've been watching recently including Dunkirk, Hell or High Water, an obscure TV production of Ala...
Season 2
Episode 20

Superman Returns (2006) [S02E19]
Tommy and Josh cap off their journey through the original Superman film series with 2006's Superman Returns. TIME CODES 01:53 - Movie Discussion: Superman Returns (2006) Email: podcastthatchallengedtheworld@gm...
Season 2
Episode 19

King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962) / Best MCU Villains [S02E18]
Godzilla vs. Kong is set for a 2021 release, so ready youself with our review of the 1962 original. TIME CODES 01:59: Best MCU Villains 19:21: King Kong Vs. Godzilla Email: podcastthatchallengedthewor...
Season 2
Episode 18

Introductory R-Rated Movies / Films Better than the Source Material / Mysterious Toys From Our Youths [S02E17]
We discuss the first R-rated movies we ever saw and whether we would show them to kids today. We talk about those rare occasions where a movie adaptation turns out to be better that the material it was based upon. ALSO: weird action figures and...
Season 2
Episode 17