The Podcast That Challenged The World
Our vision: A nerd podcast without nerd rage. Mostly. Small conversations where big nerds share fun hobbies while walking the paths less traveled in nerd culture. Most episodes contain 2-3 segments each ranging in topics including film, television, books, comics, games, trivia, and more. Explicit language. New episodes on Tuesdays.
Podcasting since 2020 • 64 episodes
The Podcast That Challenged The World
Latest Episodes
Bad Movies with Great Ideas / Most Shocking Scenes (S03E20)
In our season (and probably series) finale we take a look at how even bad movies can sometimes have really cool ideas. We also talk about the scenes from movies that shocked us the most.TIME CODES00:50 - Bad Movies with Great Ideas<...
Season 3
Episode 20

Heroes We Hate / Best Deleted Scenes (S03E19)
A few episodes ago we talked about the villains that we sympathize with. Today we'll reverse it, and discuss the hero characters that we can't stand. Also: we go through some the best deleted scenes from movies.TIME CODES00:50 - Her...
Season 3
Episode 19

Best Action Movies of the Last Decade / What We've Been Watching (S03E18)
From The Raid to Fury Road, Let's breakdown the best action films from the last decade. We also talk what we've been watching recently including The Queens Gambit, Phantom Menace, Lethal Weapon, Golgo 13, and more.TIME CODES00:50 - ...
Season 3
Episode 18

Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster (1964) / Dumbest Stuff We've Bought to Complete a Collection [S03E17]
If you're a nerd you probably collect stuff. If you collect stuff you've probably sought out something stupid just to complete your collection. Tommy, Skippy, and Jay touch on the fifth film in the Godzilla series 'Ghidorah, the three headed mo...
Season 3
Episode 17

What Comics We've Been Reading / Favorite Emotional Scenes [S03E16]
We get into the comics we've read recently, including Superman For Tomorrow, Batman: the cult, Three Jokers, weird 70's Marvel stuff, and more. We also talk about the scenes from popcorn movies that get us in the feels.TIME CODES00:...
Season 3
Episode 16